• How Cloud Operations Centers Can Support Your Business

    The cloud offers new opportunities for businesses of all sizes. It can also present several challenges. The shift to the cloud means IT professionals must think differently about their operations and how they support users.

    If you’re currently using the cloud or planning to do so in the future, stay ahead of the game by learning how your business can leverage it with a Cloud Operations Center (COC). A COC helps you manage several challenges, from a shift to cloud services.

    It will streamline support, increase uptime, reduce costs, and more. Let’s look at COC and how it can benefit your business.

    What is a Cloud Operations Center?

    A Cloud Operations Center is a dedicated team of IT professionals and service management specialists that provides operational support for cloud-based applications and services. The term “operations center” might seem slightly misleading since it does not manage hardware.

    Instead, it manages the apps and services that run on cloud-based hardware, including SaaS apps, IaaS services, PaaS tools, and more. In short, a COC is a support team for your cloud-based applications and services. A COC usually uses a ticketing system to track support issues. It can also provide analytics and metrics.

    This helps you track everything from the health of your applications to the effort and time it takes to resolve tickets. It also enables you to avoid blind spots in your operations by logging unexpected outages or performance issues. You can even use the COC to monitor your service level agreements (SLAs) compliance.

    Why is a COC Important?

    A COC can help you overcome several challenges of cloud operations. It will streamline support, increase uptime, reduce costs, and more. Let’s look at each challenge and how a COC can help you overcome it.

    Firstly, managing cloud-based services can be more complex than managing support for on-premises systems. This is because you have to track tickets across various external services. You may not even know the right person to talk to. You also may not know where to send tickets when they are resolved.

    A COC can help you track and route support tickets, as well as track resolution times. You can route tickets to the right people and track progress without needing direct contact with the providers. This makes it easier to support cloud-based applications.


    What Does a Cloud Operations Center Do?

    A COC is responsible for monitoring and managing your cloud-based applications. It can monitor the performance and health of applications such as analytics and business intelligence (BI) tools, SaaS applications, and more.

    A COC can also help you manage risks and security threats across your cloud-based applications and services. A COC can also help you manage your compliance efforts. You can use it to help track SLAs and ensure you meet them. It can also help you identify and correct outages.

    This can save your organization both time and money. You’ll be able to respond faster to outages and resolve them more efficiently.

    Key Benefits of a COC

    When implemented correctly, a COC can provide a wide range of benefits. These include reduced IT costs, improved uptime, streamlined support, and more. Let’s take a look at each of these benefits in more detail.

    Reduced IT costs

    A COC can help you reduce your IT costs by helping you meet SLAs, improving your capacity planning efforts, and more.

    Improved Uptime

    A COC can help you prevent outages, which means increased uptime. You can also resolve outages more efficiently and quickly, increasing uptime.

    Streamlined Support

    A COC can help you improve customer satisfaction by providing more efficient support. This means reduced wait times and better response times.

    How to Build Your Own COC

    If you’re working with a managed cloud service provider (CSP), the provider may offer a COC as part of its services. However, you’ll have to build your COC if you’re managing your cloud operations in-house. Making your own COC is not accessible, but it is possible. There are several ways you can go about it.

    First, you’ll need to select a ticketing system. You can use an existing system or build your own. Once you’ve selected a ticketing system, you’ll need to choose an SLA management tool. This can help you meet your SLAs by setting targets and tracking progress. There are also tools you can use to manage compliance.

    There are also tools that some tools can help you manage your risks and security threats. These tools can also help you identify and correct outages.


    A Cloud Operations Center is a system that helps you manage your businesses on the cloud in these challenging times. Not just streamlining support and optimizing cloud operations, Cloud Operations Center goes beyond traditional functions and offers multiple benefits. The key is identifying the vendor that fits your business’s requirements and planning for successful implementation.

  • The Basics of Build Operate Transfer: How it Can Benefit Startups‍

    What is Build Operate Transfer?

    Build Operate Transfer (BOT) is a type of public-private partnership used by governments to help fund new infrastructure projects. It’s an investment model in which private company finance builds. It operates new infrastructure for a pre-determined contract term, and the government takes ownership of the project.

     Operate Transfer contracts are commonly used in road building and maintenance, water and sewer services, airport operations, and power generation. They allow governments to leverage private capital at lower risk than traditional methods like local taxes or general obligation bonds.

    This blog post will cover everything you need to know about BOT as it applies to startups and entrepreneurs considering investing in these projects.

    Benefits of Build Operate Transfer

    There are multiple benefits of BOT for startups; some of the significant BOT benefits are listed below.

    • These projects have strong cash flows and predictable revenue.
    • They are generally low-risk and low-fee. That makes them an excellent option for diversifying your investment portfolio.
    • They are long-term investments with a predictable payoff period.
    • There is a good amount of liquidity in these types of assets. You should be able to exit your investment with relative ease.

    To learn more about BOT benefits, read this informative piece.

    Drawbacks of Build Operate Transfer

    However, there are some drawbacks to BOT. Some of the major disadvantages are as follows.

    • There is a fair amount of upfront due diligence. You’ll need to analyze the project and its viability thoroughly.
    • These investments are often illiquid. You may be unable to exit your investment quickly if you need to.
    • You’ll be relying on government agencies to follow through on their promise to take over the project at the end of the contract.
    • The project itself may not be a good fit for your investment strategy. You’ll want to look at each project on an individual basis.

    How to Find Build Operate Transfer Opportunities?

    There are a variety of ways to spot potential BOT projects and opportunities. You can read industry publications, talk to investors and other industry professionals, and sign up for BOT news alerts.

    Some of the tips for finding BOT opportunities include:

    • Browse industry publications, like the Journal of Energy. This will give you an idea of who is investing in BOT projects and where their money is going.
    • Ask around. Talk to investors in your network and see if they are investing in BOT projects. You can also reach out to government officials. They may have projects in the pipeline where they are looking for investors
    • Sign up for news alerts from organizations like the International BOT Association. They’ll send you regular updates on BOT projects around the world.
    • BOT projects are generally listed on the public bond market. You can research these projects on sites like Bond Link and BondHub.


    BOT, if implemented correctly, reap multiple benefits for your business. With BOT, you get 360-degree control over all your projects without facing other challenges, such as looking for talent. To manage your operations better, read this blog post for some essential tips and expand operations.

  • Seven Benefits of Leveraging Cloud-native Software Development Services‍

    Today’s businesses are forced to choose between adapting to the new digital landscape and becoming irrelevant. Companies adopting cloud-native software development processes will thrive in this new era. Those who don’t will struggle to keep up with their competitors.

    A recent report by RedMonk shows that the adoption of open-source software is rising. This means that cloud-native services are no longer just a trend but a standard for today’s developers. They’re also an essential requirement for most enterprise customers buying software today.

    Why? Cloud-native services are inherently more secure, scalable, and cost-effective than traditional software development methods.

    Let’s look at the seven benefits of leveraging cloud-native software development services.

    Read more: Seven Benefits of Leveraging Cloud-native Software Development Services‍

    7 Advantages of Using Cloud-native Software Development Services

    1.     Continuous delivery and automated testing

    All software will fail. The critical question is when. Failures can range from an app that’s slow or unstable to something completely unavailable. Continuous delivery is designed to deliver software continuously, ensuring that new code is released frequently and automatically.

    This allows issues to be identified and resolved as soon as they’re discovered. Continuous delivery can include automated testing. Automated testing is a set of software tools used to execute tests to identify bugs and other issues. Automated testing is critical for cloud-native software development. It can help reduce the cost and complexity of testing, and help you deliver higher-quality software, faster.

    Cloud-native apps often rely on microservices and containers as building blocks. This means they’re designed to be modular, scalable, and highly reusable. If you make a king software using legacy technologies, you may run into scalability issues. But if you choose a cloud-native approach, you’ll be able to scale your software without re-architecting.

    2.     Scaling without re-architecting

    As your business grows, you’ll eventually reach a point where your current software architecture will struggle to keep up with demand. When this happens, scaling your software can be an expensive, time-consuming process.

    This is especially true if your software is architected for a single environment—on-premises, for example. Once you decide to move to the cloud, re-architecting your software can be a significant undertaking. On the other hand, if you architect your software for a modular, cloud-native approach from the start, you can scale your solution instantly—without re-architecting.

    3.     Proven cloud vendors and services

    Cloud-native software development isn’t just about choosing one of the many cloud providers. Cloud-native uses a specific set of tools and technologies—the cloud-native stack. For example, many companies use AWS.

    But how do you know if it’s the right fit for your business? If you’re building a new app, you’ll want to choose a cloud-native approach. This means you’ll be able to take advantage of proven cloud vendors and services, like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, or IBM Cloud. You’ll also benefit from the interoperability of the cloud-native stack.

    This means that you’ll be able to use technologies and tools from one cloud provider with the apps you build on another cloud provider.

    4.     Cloud-native architecture standards

    When you build for the cloud, following architecture standards is essential. This ensures that your app is built to scale, secure, and easily integrated with other apps. Cloud-native architecture standards include microservices architecture, service-oriented architecture (SOA), and container-based architecture.

    Choosing exemplary architecture standards is critical. Building your app without architecture standards will be complex and challenging to scale and integrate with other apps. If you use the cloud-native architecture standards, you’ll be able to scale quickly and integrate with various apps.

    5.     Security by design

    When your organization experiences a data breach, it’s bad news for your customers and your business. The recent data breach suffered by British Airways is a prime example of what can happen when companies don’t take security seriously.

    In the case of British Airways, hackers were able to access customer data because the company was not adequately protecting its data. Cloud-native software development services are designed with security and privacy in mind. Cloud providers are required by law to abide by the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

    GDPR requires businesses to have better data protection and privacy standards. With cloud-native software development, you’re building software on top of a cloud provider. This puts your data securely in the cloud.

    6.     Higher availability with no downtime

    High availability is one of the key benefits of cloud computing. If a provider’s data center goes down, your app will keep running. But what about when you’re the one who is down? If your business experiences a system outage, you’ll lose revenue.

    If you cannot meet your SLAs, you may also lose customers. With cloud-native software development, you can design your app to continue running even if part of your system goes down. You can also designate your app to respond to unplanned outages.

    For example, you could implement Amazon GuardDuty. This is Amazon’s automated cybersecurity monitoring service.

    7.     Increased agility and flexibility

    When you choose the right cloud-native software development company, you’ll be able to work quickly and efficiently. This is because they’ll be experts in their field. They’ll be able to use agile processes, such as scrum, to deliver your project on time and within budget.

    Cloud-native software development is also highly flexible. By building your app on top of a cloud provider, you’ll be able to easily switch from a different cloud provider to switch to another cloud provider. This means you’ll be flexible to adapt to changing business requirements.

    Summing up

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